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Braganhol, E., Kukulski, F., Lévesque S.A., Fausther, M., Lavoie, E.G., Zanotto-Filho A., Bergamin, L.S.,

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Bahrami, F., Kukulski, F., Lecka, J., Tremblay, A., Pelletier, J., Rockenbach, L. and Sévigny, J. 2014. Purine

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Bahrami, F., Darabi, H., Riazi-Rad, F., Khaze, V., Ajdary, S. and Alimohammadian, M.H. 2014.FOXP3

expression and frequency of regulatory T cells in healed individuals fromLeishmania majorinfection

and the asymptomatic cases. Human Immunology.75: 1026-1033. PMID: 25167770


Rafiee, A., Riazi-rad, F., Darabi, H., Khaze, V., Javadian, S., Ajdary, F., Bahrami, F. and Alimohammadian,

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Kukulski, F., Bahrami, F., Ben Yebdri, F., Lecka, J., Martín-Satué, M., Lévesque, S.A., and Sévigny, J. 2011.

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1- Jamnani FR, Rahbarizadeh F, Shokrgozar MA, Ahmadvand D, Mahboudid F, Sharifzadeh Z,

T cells expressing VHH-directed oligoclonal chimeric HER2 antigen receptors: Towards tumordirected

oligoclonal T cell therapy, Biochimica et Biophysica Acta, 2014, 1840(1): 378–386.

2- Sharifzadeh Z, Rahbarizadeh F, Shokrgozar MA, Ahmadvand D, Mahboudid F, Jamnani FR,

Moghimi SM, Genetically engineered T cells bearing chimeric nanoconstructed receptors

harboring TAG-72-specific camelid single domain antibodies as targeting agents, Cancer Letters,

2013, 334(2): 237-244.

3- Sharifzadeh Z, Rahbarizadeh F, Shokrgozar MA, Ahmadvand D, Mahboudid F, Jamnani FR,

Development of Oligoclonal Nanobodies for Targeting the Tumor-associated Glycoprotein 72

Antigen, Molecular biotechnology, 2013, 54(2): 590-601.

4- Jamnani FR, Rahbarizadeh F, Shokrgozar MA, Ahmadvand D, Mahboudid F, Sharifzadeh Z,

Targeting high affinity and epitope-distinct oligoclonal nanobodies to HER2 over-expressing

tumor cells, Experimental Cell Research, 2012, 318(10): 1112-24.

5- Rahbarizadeh F, Ahmadvand D, Sharifzadeh Z. Nanobody, an Old Concept and New Vahicle

for Immunotargeting, Immunological Investigations, 2011; 40(3):299-338.

6- Safarian F, Rahbarizadeh F, Amanpour S, Sharifzadeh Z. Construction of PEG-PAMAM

dendrimer-based TAG72-targeting nanocarrier for t-Bid gene delivery to colorectal tumor cells.

Modares Journal of Medical Sciences: Pathobiology, 2011; 14: 63-74.

7- Foroumadi A, Sakhteman A, Sharifzadeh Z, Mohammadhosseini N, Hemmateenejad B,

Moshafi MH, Vosooghi M, Amini M, Shafiee A. Synthesis, antituberculosis activity and QSAR

study of some novel 2-(nitroaryl)-5-(nitrobenzylsulfinyl and sulfonyl)-1,3,4-thiadiazole

derivatives, DARU, 2007; 15(4): 218-226.

8- Foroumadi A, Kargar Z, Sakhteman A, Sharifzadeh Z, Feyzmohammadi R, Kazemi M,

Shafiee A. Synthesis and antimycobacterial activity of some alkyl [5-(nitroaryl) -1,3,4-thiadiazol-

2-ylthio]propionates, Bioorganic & Medicinal Chemistry Letters, 2006; 16: 1164–1167.

Congress Abstracts:

1- Sharifzadeh Z, Abolhassani M, Yasemi M, Construction of a scFv phage display library



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  13. Arasteh J, Pourpak Z, Ebtekar M, Pourfathollah AA, Hassan ZM, Farahmandian T, Mahmoudzadeh-Niknam H. (2010) Evaluation of the Effect of IL-22 on Human Cord Blood CD4+ T Cells. Iran J Allergy Asthma Immunol. 9(2):59-67.
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  17. Mahmoudzadeh-Niknam H, Jafari A, Abrishami F, Doroudian M, Moradi M, Kashef Bazazi B. (2011) Cloning and production of an LPS-free immunogenic protein (LCR1) from an Iranian clinical isolate ofLeishmania infantumand its recognition by sera from Iranian patients with visceral leishmaniasis.As Pac J Mo Biol Biotechnol, 19(2):95-101.
  18.  Khalili G, Dobakhti F, Mahmoudzadeh Niknam H, Khaze V, Partovi F. (2011) Immunotherapy with Imiquimod Increases the Efficacy of Glucantime Therapy ofLeishmania majorInfection. Iran J Immunol, 8(1):45-51.
  19. Mahmoudzadeh-Niknam H, Ajdary S, Riazi-Rad F, Mirzadegan E, Rezaeian A, Khaze V, Djadid ND, Alimohammadian MH. (2012) Molecular epidemiology of cutaneous leishmaniasis and heterogeneity of Leishmania major strains in Iran. Trop Med Int Health, 17(11):1335-1344.
  20. Mahmoudzadeh-Niknam H, Khalili G, Abrishami F, Najafy A, Khaze V. (2013) The Route ofLeishmania tropicaInfection Determines Disease Outcome and Protection againstLeishmania majorin BALB/c Mice. Korean J Parasitol, 51(1): 69-74.
  21. Fadavi P, Rostamian M, Arashkia A, Shafaghi B and Niknam HM. (2013) Epstein-barr virus may not be associated with breast cancer in Iranian patientsOncol Discov, 1:3 http://dx.doi.org/10.7243/2052-6199-1-3.
  22. M Niknam H, Abrishami F, Doroudian M, Rostamian M, Moradi M, Khaze V, Iravani D. (2014) Immune Responses of Iranian Patients with Visceral Leishmaniasis and Recovered Individuals to LCR1 of Leishmania infantum. Clin Vaccine Immunol. 2014 Apr;21(4):518-25. doi: 10.1128/CVI.00711-13. Epub 2014 Feb 5.
  23. Rostamian M, Sohrabi S, Kavosifard H, Niknam HM. Lower levels of IgG1 in comparison with IgG2a are associated with protective immunity against Leishmania tropica infection in BALB/c mice. J Microbiol Immunol Infect. 2015, in press.




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